Cloud-based security monitoring vs traditional security monitoring

September 27, 2021


With the increasing popularity of cloud computing, cloud-based security monitoring has become a popular topic. But what exactly is cloud-based security monitoring? And how does it compare to traditional security monitoring?

In this blog, we will provide a fact-based comparison between cloud-based and traditional security monitoring. We will present numbers and references to help you make an informed decision about which type of security monitoring is right for your organization.

What is cloud-based security monitoring?

Cloud-based security monitoring is a type of security monitoring that is done in the cloud. The main advantage of cloud-based security monitoring is that it is usually less expensive than traditional security monitoring because it does not require the purchase of hardware and software.

Cloud-based security monitoring involves:

  • Collecting data from the cloud resources you are protecting
  • Monitoring this data for indicators of compromise (IOCs) or anomalies
  • Alerting security teams of any potential security incidents
  • Conducting security investigations to determine the scope and severity of any incidents

What is traditional security monitoring?

Traditional security monitoring is a physical, on-premise solution, and it typically involves monitoring individual machines, servers, and network devices. Traditional security monitoring requires the purchase of hardware and software, and it can be expensive.

Traditional security monitoring involves:

  • Installing security software on each device you want to monitor
  • Collecting data from each device
  • Monitoring this data for IOCs or anomalies
  • Alerting security teams of any potential security incidents
  • Conducting security investigations to determine the scope and severity of any incidents

Cloud-based vs. traditional security monitoring comparison


As mentioned earlier, cloud-based security monitoring is generally less expensive than traditional security monitoring because it does not require the purchase of hardware and software.

According to a report by Gartner, implementing a traditional security monitoring solution can cost between $1.5 million and $4 million in the first year. On the other hand, implementing a cloud-based security monitoring solution can cost as little as $10,000 per year.


Scalability is one area where cloud-based security monitoring has a significant advantage over traditional security monitoring. Cloud-based security monitoring solutions can be easily scaled up or down as needed. This is because the cloud provider can increase or decrease the amount of storage, processing power, and other resources according to the organization's needs.

Traditional security monitoring, on the other hand, is not as easily scalable. Organizations must purchase additional hardware and software if they need to scale their security monitoring solution.


Cloud-based security monitoring is usually easier to maintain than traditional security monitoring because it does not require the physical maintenance of hardware and software.

Traditional security monitoring requires the physical maintenance of hardware and software, which can be time-consuming and expensive. In addition, traditional security monitoring may require more frequent updates, which can be disruptive to operations.


Cloud-based security monitoring is generally considered to be more reliable than traditional security monitoring. This is because cloud providers have more resources and expertise than most individual organizations.

Traditional security monitoring can be unreliable because it requires individual organizations to manage and maintain their own systems. This can sometimes lead to system failures, downtime, and other technical problems.


Both cloud-based security monitoring and traditional security monitoring have their own advantages and disadvantages. Organizations should carefully consider their own needs and resources when deciding which type of security monitoring to use.

Cloud-based security monitoring is generally less expensive, more scalable, easier to maintain, and more reliable than traditional security monitoring. However, traditional security monitoring can still be a valid option for organizations with unique needs or constraints.


  1. Gartner. Security Monitoring Costs and Trade-Offs. 2020.
  2. Security Boulevard. Why Cloud-Based Security is More Reliable Than Traditional Security. 2019.

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